"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9

Contact your Congressman

Here is a link to find your Members of Congress

Here is a link to find your Senators

  • Contacting your legislatures by phone prior to writing your letter may be of benefit.
  • Sometimes contacting the D.C. office can be more helpful that your local office. However, this may not always be the case.
  • You may be asked to sign a Release of Consent form. If so, this is a simple form that can be filled out. Their office will either give you the form, or give you instructions on how to write one up.
  • Keep your story simple and to the point. However, letting your emotions come through your story can help our lawmakers realize the effects this is having on our families.
  • Some people have found that putting some of the facts into bullet point form help convey your thoughts in an easy to read form.
  • Be respectful but firm.
  • Add a picture of your child and your family.
Here is an example letter. Please do not copy and paste this letter. It will lose it's effect if there are multiple letters that all look the same.


Congressman ______________ OR Senator ________________

Attention: The name of the staffer you have made contact with

Street address of their office

City, State Zip

Dear Congressman ______________ or Honorable Senator ____________,

I first want you to know that I did not contact you unconscientiously and without the knowledge that you are working hard for our community in many other ways right now. I realize that our family is asking of more work from you and I appreciate the kind and prompt response we have received. I have been a supporter of Congressman_________/Senator ______________ from the early 1990s (or whatever your case), not only in my voting rights, but also in my positive message of him to friends and family. I remembered Congressman _______/Senator ___________ right away when we were faced with this heart wrenching, and possibly illegal and unethical misuse of our US Embassy’s approach to our international adoption.

We cannot fight this battle alone. We know that the US Embassy in Addis is likely acting with support from their affiliates at the Department of State. We have no doubt that our daughter will receive her visa. We just do not feel that it is ethical or legal that they delay our visa interview, furthering the delay of issuing it to her. We need your office to put pressure on the US Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Department of State to stop their unreasonable delays of issuing visas to children already given legal custody to American families.

We are well aware of the alert that the US Embassy in Ethiopia sent out in September 2011. It is widely believed in the international adoption community that this alert is false testimony. The letter lumped misspellings of words in texts, adoptive parent name misspellings, specific words they wanted changed, and other similar clerical errors into that 80%, then led the reader to believe there was fraudulent behavior among the adoption agencies or the Ethiopian government. I also need you to know that in April of 2011 there was a teleconference with the adoption agencies where the US Embassy in Addis stated that despite the above shocking percentage they have never denied a visa...ever. They stated this in response to an agency representative’s question.

 This is where you begin telling your lawmakers what wrongdoings or aggravations that the Embassy has caused you.

UNICEF documented 5 million orphans in Ethiopia in 2009. Orphanages in Ethiopia are full and now with the newest closing of southern border orphanages the problem is now compounded. There are not enough prospective adoptive families in the United States to get anywhere close to filling in the gaps. In 2011 less than 2,000 children were adopted to American families. This is way less than 1% of all orphans in Ethiopia. Please tell me who in their right mind is recruiting more orphans in a country where there is an orphan crisis.

Yes, Ethiopians working in the orphan and widow branch of government have a lot to learn about how to document and gather paperwork the “American” way, but that does not mean there should be a knee jerk reaction from the United States. That just punishes children and families for the very small percentage of bad in the international adoption community.

Most of the problems in Ethiopia are related to poor documentation, which is a symptom of poverty, not fraud. In the US, I can buy a social security number, make a fake drivers license in my living room, draw up a fictional resume, steal someone's identity, claim benefits I'm not entitled to, etc. But we don't shut down the SSA, the auto industry, the job search industry, etc. because fraud might occur.

We are not denying there is a child trafficking problem in the world, especially in the continent of Africa, but to be honest, our family made the decision to adopt from Ethiopia in hopes to eliminate just one life from the prospect of this ill fate. We have three biological children and Lord willing could have had our last child through childbearing. However, we knew we wanted to complete our family through international adoption as we all know there are so many children who deserve a loving family.

We belong to a church that has been on the forefront of the anti-trafficking movement.  I have researched and studied the information that is out there on this subject. We did not make the decision of international adoption lightly. We are glad for the safe guards there are in the Ethiopian government and in ours to help eliminate children from being adopted to American families if they already have a birth family that is able and willing to take care of them. We support and encourage the review of documentation and any further requests for further information within justified reason.

After some research we have found that there is likely an undercover political agenda behind the behavior of the US Embassy in Ethiopia. We believe that sometime in the fall of 2011 the Ethiopian government declined to sign the Hague Treaty. We know that the Department of State receives money for every country they get to sign the Hague Treaty. We have seen the trends in other countries where the Department of State was unable to receive a signed Hague Treaty and those countries are now closed to international adoption, including Vietnam, Nepal, etc. Please do not let Ethiopia be the next country to close. There are too many children in need of loving homes. They are the victims of these political agendas.

Here is where you are asking them for help. Be specific on what you want and aim high. You want change and you are asking them for it!

Remind them here of YOUR child. Use emotional language and let them know what this has done to you and your child. Make sure you attach pictures with these letters/emails. Let them know any milestones you have missed in your child’s life, any specific painful circumstances you have faced.

Please support us in this terrible situation. Our daughter was moved to a transitional home that was meant to be temporary (4-6 weeks) until we returned to bring her home. It has already been almost 4 months and we have no idea of knowing how much longer it will be. We know that the more time spent in an institution causes emotional and physical damage to children. Please don’t disappoint our hope in your swift and powerful help.


Your names

Street address

City, State zip

Phone number
